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bout Us

The PSI Foundation awards well-rounded, talented young athletes who have overcome obstacles, shown strength in the face of adversity, and who are eager to make an impact, learn, and build a better tomorrow for themselves and society. Our mission is to create a positive and lasting impact on young athletes while fostering a sense of unity and opportunity for all.

PSI Foundation is dedicated to recognizing young athletic leaders in the community and providing comprehensive support to both the deserving as well as the underserved, with a focus on education and empowerment.



Lisa Giannuzzi

Founder & Co-Chair

Nunus Molu

Founder & Co-Chair

Cayla Tverberg

Founder & Vice Chair

In our years of experience in the world of hockey, we have seen gaps in services, unmet needs and underserved populations. We are driven by these personal experiences and our shared values to contribute to the greater good. These experiences have ignited our passion to make a positive difference in the hockey community and have inspired our focus to take action and make progressive change. With our reach in the hockey community and beyond, we can bring people together around this shared cause with a view that this sense of community to build relationships, foster collaboration, and promote a sense of belonging, fulfillment and purpose. 


We, at the PSI Scholarship Foundation, would like to be remembered for the positive impact we made of these kids, their families and on the hockey world. It if our hope that this Foundation will carry on our mission for years to come, to continue to engage in advocacy and awareness-raising activities, and to draw attention to important issues and influence public views on the sport we love. Beyond that, we hope this can lead to systemic changes that benefit society as a whole. It is a huge undertaking but this journey of a thousand steps begins here, with three women of different ages and different racial backgrounds. If not us, who? If not now, when? The time for waiting is over. 


hy choose us? 

With endless opportunities to network with businesses, communities, sports leaders and celebrities, your sponsorship offers you the chance to impress partners and clients, reward employees and make valuable professional connections. 


Being partnered with Prospects by Sports Illustrated gives us a high media profile, as well as provides us with the support of the largest hockey community in the world! 


The success of PSI events also gives us the ability to effectively utilize our channels to reach and engage our target audience, driving attendance, achieving and surpassing our goals annually as shown by our growth of 333.33% IN A THREE YEAR WINDOW!


Plus the support of PSI's 13k followers!



PSI foundation


hy sponsor & support?  

Scholarships for kids can have a significant positive impact on their educational attainment and long-term prospects. 

INCREASED ACCESS TO EDUCATION: For students with lesser opportunities for education, scholarships can alleviate the financial burden of education, making it more accessible and feasible. Removing financial barriers in education also increases enrollment in students from underprivileged backgrounds. 


IMPROVED ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: Studies have shown that children who receive scholarships tend to perform better academically. Especially with reduced financial stress, they are more likely to succeed with focusing on their studies. 



HIGHER GRADUATION RATES: Scholarships can significantly increase the likelihood of a child completing their education. Students who received need-based financial aid were also more likely to complete a bachelor's degree. 


REDUCED DROP OUT RATES: Scholarships can act as a deterrent against dropping out of school, especially in cases where financial constraints might have otherwise forced a child to leave school prematurely. 


ENHANCED CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: Education is often a pathway to better job opportunities and higher earning potential. Scholarships can help kids access higher education, leading to improved career prospects. Additionally, scholarships often reward notable characteristics or achievements in the student. Recognizing these qualities in a student can better set up their careers to future employers. 


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & SOCIAL MOBILITY: Scholarships can break poverty cycles by enabling students in underprivileged communities to access education. In turn, educated individuals give back to their community and create better paths with increased access to education for future generations. 


INVESTMENT IN FUTURE LEADERS: Scholarships invest in the future workforce by supporting students with potential and have the possibilities of positively contributing to society. 


GENDER EQUALITY & EQUITY: Scholarships can promote a more diverse and inclusive academic setting. This can include increasing equity of students from various backgrounds and socio-economic status, and gender equity. Scholarships also challenge stereotypes by supporting young future leaders regardless of their intersectionality. 

PSI foundation

Scholarships are the keys that unlock the doors of opportunities and success for our young leaders. Making education more accessible and supporting their academic achievements pave the way for a brighter future in their individual lives, and in society. 

ogether we thrive

We at the PSI Scholarship Foundation, are steadfast in our mission to uplift young individuals by providing them with life-changing educational opportunities. With a deep conviction that equal access to education and sports is the cornerstone of progress, we have dedicated ourselves to levelling the playing field for every aspiring athlete, regardless of their background and socio-economic status.


Recognizing the unique challenges faced by minorities in accessing equity, we firmly believe that providing scholarships to underrepresented communities is crucial. By addressing the systemic barriers that often hinder their educational advancement, we strive to create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable society. Through our commitment to empowering young athletes, we aim to foster a generation of leaders who will shape a future where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.


We believe it is vital to celebrate and recognize the achievements of minorities. By shining a light on their stories, we inspire others who may face similar obstacles to overcome them and pursue their dreams. By acknowledging the contributions and talents of individuals from diverse backgrounds, we build a society that embraces multiculturalism, fosters innovation, and cultivates empathy.


Moreover, our dedication to creating equity for future generations stems from a profound understanding of the long-lasting impact it can have.


By investing in our deserving athletes, we not only transform individual lives but also catalyze transformative change in their communities. With every scholarship we award, we strive to contribute to a more just and inclusive world. Join us in our pursuit of athletic and educational equity, as we work together to build a future where the potential of every individual is recognized and celebrated.

Prospects by SI



Land Acknowledgement

The PSI Scholarship Foundation is an active advocate for truth and reconciliation. As part of our shared path, we wish to acknowledge the land on which the PSI Scholarship Foundation operates: the land of the Anishinaabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit River. Today, this land is still the home to many Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island. It has historically and presently been governed by the Three Fire Confederacy and Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt, and recently by the Nanfan Treaty, Treaty 13, and the Williams Treaties.


In our foundation's premise to empower young athletes to be good leaders, we want to highlight the importance of recognizing the long history of our territory and being committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of caring for and respecting the land. The PSI Scholarship Foundation is forever grateful to have the opportunity to gather here, operate, learn and work on this land. With that, we want to take the opportunity to thank, show our respect and support the Indigenous communities who have been its stewards for generations.

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